back in stock!

Spanish Moon Moth, by Max Alexander

I’m very happy to announce that, having sold out its first printing, Colour at Work is now back in stock in the KDD shop.

now back in stock!

If you know of a yarn store, book shop or library that may be interested in stocking this title (or indeed any of our other books), please drop Kendall a line on and she can organise your order for you.

Ella Gordon talks Shetland colour

And if you would like a copy for yourself but missed out in the rush earlier in the month, we now have plenty of books in the shop.

Flora Collingwood-Norris discusses creative colour confidence

We are all very happy with how Colour at Work has been received, and it has brought big smiles to the faces of myself, Tom and Felix to hear how much you’ve been enjoying it. Seeing a title in the hands of happy readers is definitely the best part of publishing a book!

one of my essays explores the cultural history of rainbows

Colour at Work is the twenty-sixth title I’ve made with the KDD team. A lot of collective hard work went into it, and I’m very grateful to all of our contributors: Max Alexander, Janine Bajus, Flora Collingwood-Norris,  Ella Gordon, Jeanette Sloan, Tressa Weidenaar, Ottilia Westerlund, our dear friend and eagle-eyed copy editor, Ivor Normand, Tom who designed all its beautiful colourful pages, and of course top comrade and co-editor, Felix. I’m very proud to have this book on the KDD list.

Felix shares her tip-top-tips for how to play with colour

Thanks for supporting small publishing, and making our work possible.

One of Tom’s many rainbow photographs from Colour at Work